Friday, December 25, 2009

Colon cleanse (colon detox formula) while breastfeeding..?

Is it alright to take the colon cleanse capsules while breastfeeding? It's the white bottle with the blue label around the middle. It says it`s not intended for pregnant or nursing mothers. Does anyone know what it'l do? Will it harm baby? Any information will be very much appreciated!!!Colon cleanse (colon detox formula) while breastfeeding..?
Dont take the stuff at all. It doesn't work.

You want a clean colon, eat high fibre foods.

';No scientific evidence supports the alleged benefits of colon cleansing. The bowel itself is not dirty and barring drugs or disease, cleans itself naturally without need for assistance. Some types of colon cleansing present potential hazards; the equipment used during colon cleansing has caused damage to the rectum in a small number of individuals, and caused amoebiasis when improperly sterilized. Certain enema preparations have been associated with heart attacks and electrolyte imbalances. Frequent colon cleansing may interfere with the proper functioning of the colon and can lead to dependence on laxatives or enemas to defecate. Some herbs used may also interact with or reduce the effectiveness of prescription drugs.

Edit: They put those labels on the container simply because there are specific tests that are required to determine if a product will not harm mother or child either while the child is in the womb or while breastfeeding. Its not immediately indicative of a problem, they just havent studied it (chances are they really didnt look into ay health risks since colon cleansing products are not endorsed by the FDA).

To put your mind at ease, speak to your doctor. Chances are nothing bad will result, but you'll feel fare more comfortable with assurances from a trained physician.

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