Monday, December 21, 2009

Is there some formula for a spiritual cleansing potion, or wash of some kind, for sin or negative energy?

I'm looking for some concoction to use for spiritual cleansing, like an oil or something. Is there a formula for one? And if so, how do I use it? And no, I don't need any Bible answers, thank you very much.Is there some formula for a spiritual cleansing potion, or wash of some kind, for sin or negative energy?
Burning white sage is a great way to cleanse away negativity. The light of the full moon is supposed to cleanse away all energies, pos. and neg. to ';cleanse'; things.

I suggest going to your local earth based religion shop and asking them. You can often find great herbal soaps that are wonderful for cleansing.Is there some formula for a spiritual cleansing potion, or wash of some kind, for sin or negative energy?
This is by far the most ignorant question I have ever seen! But w/e, and no there is no potion or formula etc, that will do that!
Something physical can't erase the spiritual.

And I can't decide whether you are a troll or not...

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